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Chat perdu : APOLLO (Européen)

Détails de l'Annonce #9344

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Race :Européen

Sexe :Mâle

Couleur :MARRON

Âge :2 ans

Tatouage :Non

Puce :Non

Perdu le : Samedi 07 Janvier 2017

Pays :France

Ville :coueron

Département :Loire Atlantique

Adresse :11 rue frédéric chopin

Description :POILS LONGS

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Jeudi 23 Mars 2017

Hi Lola, Thanks for a great insightful post.I agree with you when you say asking people about what they from life they quickly spill out the stuff they DON’T want giving life and attention to the very things they don’t want.Like the work yo7;28#1u&re doing keep it up

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