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Chat perdu : Bounty (Européen)

Détails de l'Annonce #9804

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Merci de bien vouloir contacter :
Vanessa Coston

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Nom :Bounty

Race :Européen

Sexe :Mâle

Couleur :Noir et blanc

Âge :12 ans

Tatouage :Non

Puce :Oui : 250269799011598

Perdu le : Samedi 11 Mars 2017

Pays :France


Département :Var

Adresse :Aire bonne terrasse

Description :Chat très affectueux et adorable

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Jeudi 23 Mars 2017

i really do not understand, many people here in India enjoying the freedom and religion tolerance unlike arabs, but they are up against India again. what a cruel world is this? mosques in india is larger than arab world mosques. population in Indian islam world is more than arab wo1&8l#d2r7;s population. but still they are up against india. I really do not understand what basis they do? 5th century religion trying to dominate all over the world? i am sure my comment will not be published

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